Monday, July 6, 2009

Thing #13

Wow! I am pretty happy with Delicious. I have a laptop at school and I use a computer at home (I do not always bring my laptop home), so Delicious will be so helpful. I imported all my bookmarks (favorites) from my laptop to Delicious. Then I went thru and gave them all a tag. It is nice and organized. So, now I have access to my bookmarks on my home computer. I think that is a great thing for me. It makes life that much more efficient! I have tagged a few of my previous posts on my blog, so I am starting to et the hang of it. This tool would be great, especially for older students doing research and being able to share info. A study group can just share all their research without cutting, pasting, emailing, etc.

1 comment:

  1. The web is such a HUGE place to get lost in...delicious is a great way to organize your favorite places to go. Good idea on using it to coordinate your school and home computers!
